
Intermittent Fasting/Restricted Eating Windows: A Word of Caution for Active Women

Intermittent Fasting/Restricted Eating Windows: A Word of Caution for Active Women

Intermittent fasting (IF), the act of abstaining from eating for a certain period in the day (or for a set amount of days), is another approach to eating that has risen in popularity for the purpose of weight management. When it comes to managing […]

Why I Don’t Advise Avoiding Trigger Foods and How I Dealt with Binge Eating

All content in this article is provided for information, enjoyment, and educational purposes only. These are my opinions and, although I will present supporting science this should not be used as a substitute for qualified medical advice. If you or someone you know is suffering from an eating disorder seek medical advice in your area […]

Anxiety, Depression and the Menstrual Cycle

Have you ever been having a bad day and someone had the audacity to ask you if you were getting your period? As insulting and dismissive as that question may feel there may in fact be some validity to asking it. It turns out that mood disturbances from menstrual cycle related hormonal fluctuations are not […]

How Reverse Dieting Can Negatively Impact Bingeing

Disclaimer: This article is not intended as treatment advice for Binge Eating Disorder or Bulimia Nervosa.

What is reverse dieting?

Reverse dieting is a popular ‘exit strategy’ for competitors and dieters who no longer wish to diet but do not wish to re-gain weight (more specifically, body fat). The idea surfaced […]

When Clean Eating Works And How It Could Be Holding You Back

Foods that are unrefined and minimally processed have been put upon a pedestal and termed as ‘clean food’. In some ways this is absolutely deserved. Fruits, vegetables, unprocessed meat, whole grains etc all fall under the clean eating umbrella and even someone with little knowledge of nutrition knows that eating nutrient dense foods is beneficial […]

Food Anxiety: How Do I Overcome My Food Anxiety?

I began this series on how food anxieties are born and strengthened and addressed how your outlook on food could be cultivating these fears. For some, a little reassurance of the absurdity of certain attitudes towards food can go a long way to weaken these fears. For those lucky ones it’s enough to put them […]

Food Anxiety: Should I Eat This?

Thanks to all of the conflicting information out there about proper nutrition the question ‘what would you like to eat?’ has become loaded, to say the least. It has become so loaded that the intense turmoil following such inquiries has become the subject of many hilarious internet memes. I won’t post any here since […]

Food Anxiety: How the ‘Good Food/Bad Food’ Mentality Could Be Affecting Your Brain

Food Anxiety: How the ‘Good Food/Bad Food’ Mentality Could Be Affecting Your Brain

Food phobias are becoming the norm in the fitness industry. Many times it is what fuels the “dedication” of many athletes who display rigid food restriction year round. It’s not always just a matter of willpower but, in fact, a fear-based avoidance […]